New Horizons

New Horizons

Step by step, I walk to kill time,
in an area where I rarely journey and use to say was too far.

My northern sanctuary free of narrow alleys, jam sessions, and "lower stratos"
it's not my place anymore. Conflict, new neighbors, egos and self-centric lives.

I return to the center to make new friends, to clear my head,
to a place where I can relax and bask in the chaos and antiquity.

The graffiti is richer, the noise similar but here it's not just a hum,
it's a harmony, a rhythm of 400 year old streets. This was the original.

These could have been where the founders walked,
or another nobody like myself, who could have achieved more.

Some just seek the next exit on their journey,
now, I seek new horizons in the paths worn before I ever was.


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