

Once, I was strong and tall. I was the one others came to when they needed help in a pinch,
a fountain of information, a mentor and guide.

I decided to start out on my own, to let my seeds loose and penetrate the ground myself,
to spring back up as a seedling in new soil, to sprout leaves and branches.

But it wasn't meant to be. The ground was full of salt, those who claimed to want me to grow,
they chose to prune my new growth for their own gain, to pick the fruit before it was ripe.

It helped them, but at what cost? Yes, I learned how to overcome, to adapt to new surroundings,
I even through the stress returned to passions I had long abandoned.

I swallow my pride, pick up my new roots and attempt to find solace in the pot I used to inhabit,
I use the lessons learned, stronger, faster, smarter, more patient now. 

I call out to those whom I mentored and trained, surely they will remember the efforts,
remember the lessons I taught about networks and repaying favours... I receive replies,

Send it to someone else, I don't know anything about it, figure it out on your own, the role has been filled already...
Like a seed on concrete, you can find the cracks, but sometimes it's better to remain rooted, than to take a leap of faith.


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