Moving Day

Moving Day

Boxes folded into shape, packed with essentials, must haves, and maybes
Half will be tossed out in the end, but rather than continue to hold, I let go

Seven years before I did the same, but rather than into boxes, it was into two suitcases
one of books and heirlooms, another of clothes and finally a small case for a cat.

I sold, gave away, tossed, and trashed so many things I "just had to have"
but in reality the bones and flesh are all I need. 

Companions can come and go as well, but true friends are those who come along for the ride
You can have the best party with a ton, but you only need three to take over a country

So as I begin to move and lift and strain and clean, I begin again to collect.
This time, in the form of true focus, intention, and maybe expand my garden a bit more.


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