Chains of Modernity
Chains of Modernity
Blinded as we claim to see, free though we remain bound by the shackles,
not by those of steel and iron, but by beliefs, the lack of desire to embrace what is true.
Comfort of myth and legend, ignorance cloaks us in pride and shame,
convenience destroys memories of pain and suffering in minutes,
but only for those who observe through screens and filtered information,
those who live within our devices, they cannot forget, cannot ignore the stabs.
hunger pains, torture by those who claim to protect, and misguided paths to "equality",
the victim is told that because of the actions of others, the violence and death is justified.
"it's a tough job, just give it time to change", "Don't speak up, it's unpatriotic, they're trying their best"
"If you lay down with a dog, you'll get fleas"... words meant to silence, not correct the wrongs.
Those who bear the largest and shiniest crosses, those who defend the romans
killing the christ in each of us they forget the greatest commandment of their God they claim to love:
'whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’
For they see their attendance and faith as an exception to the foundation of their creed.
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